The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna is located in Pisa, Italy.

Sant’Anna is a small, research-oriented public university and excellence college, ranking 4th among world young universities and 170th globally according to the times higher education.

Pisa is a small university town hosting several thousand students, three universities, and several national research institutes. Laying between mountains and the sea, Pisa is a unique place to conduct research while enjoying Tuscany and Italian lifestyle, with a low cost of life and plenty leisure opportunities.

The Pisa airport is at a walking distance from the city center and a gateway to all Europe and overseas.


PhD Scolarships

The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna offers two PhD Programmes related to the research carried out in our research team: 

The two PhD Programmes are similar under many aspects, and offer overlapping training. While the course in Agrobiosciences is more related to physiology and plant biology, the Agrobiodiversity program is more targeted to the themes of research related to exploration of crop genetic resources. Candidates are selected upon:

  • Their curriculum vitae

  • A project proposal

  • An interview

We recommend that the interested candidate drafts a project proposal related to research lines already active in our lab. Candidates are welcome to contact us for discussion of possible topics of Project proposals.


Undergraduate students

Applications to carry out BSc and MSc thesis activities are welcome. Typically, thesis activities revolve around data analysis and will focus on the development of bioinformatic skills. Thesis requests are accepted year round and are expected to last six to 12 months. Due to the international nature of the research team, the spoken and written language is english